Wealth management

Let’s build together
the pillars of your wealth

Plan, Invest, Perform

Our offer

A complete range of wealth management services

Institutional management


Our EAM Income – 10 – 25 – 40 – 75 mandates

An institutional strategy

based on active asset class management and implemented with mainly passive financial products;

An expertise in occupational pension

with a permanent follow-up of the level of risk and the latest legal or regulatory provisions;

A privileged access

to the best investment vehicles with an optimization of product-related fees.

Private Management


Our EAM Income – 10 – 25 – 40 – 75 mandates

A personalized and adapted follow-up

to your needs and knowledge;

Permanent monitoring

of your portfolio and risk level;

Dynamic management

through proactive follow-up of market trends.

Independent asset managers

A professional service for external managers


to the onboarding of your customers;

A validation of the BVV 2 compliance

portfolios with reporting to the Foundations;

A support

for all technical and administrative questions.


Elite Asset Management

Elite Asset Management (EAM) is an independent asset manager with FINMA authorization for collective investments.

EAM manages pension funds and private assets. Our company is one of the asset managers approved by Elite Fondation de prévoyance, Elite Fondation 1e and Elite Fondation de libre passage.

Our team has recognized experience in Switzerland in the fields of occupational benefits and institutional asset management.

EAM stands out for its transparent and efficient institutional approach, based on a rigorous selection of financial products.

As we are remunerated solely by our clients, we deliver totally independent, personalized advice, and are committed to putting our clients at the heart of our business model.


In August 2022, PURE WEALTH MANAGEMENT SA became ELITE ASSET MANAGEMENT SA. Since its creation in 2019, our company has sought to offer a comprehensive wealth management service to its clients in order to enhance the value of their entire wealth (management of banking, real estate and pension assets). In this context, we quickly set up a strategic partnership withElite Fondation de prévoyance, Elite Fondation 1e and Elite Fondation de libre passage.

Encouraged by our growing success, we decided in 2022 with the above mentioned Foundations and Elite Office SA (administrative and accounting manager of the Foundations) to strengthen this collaboration by changing our corporate name and launching the process of FINMA authorization as managers of collective assets. This organization allows Elite Office SA to separate the activities of asset management and administrative management in order to meet the new legal and regulatory requirements. These different steps have enriched and expanded the range of our services, while maintaining our “PURE” philosophy based on transparency and independence.


The Elite Asset Management Team

EAM is managed by a team of professionals with proven experience in asset management and risk management. The independence of our Board of Directors guarantees the proper functioning of the company.

Board of Directors

Stéphane Bise

Stéphane Bise

Chairman of the Board of Directors

Michel Aubry

Michel Aubry


Stéphane Salamin

Stéphane Salamin



Stéphane Salamin

Stéphane Salamin

CEO - Partner & Founder

Nicolas Gut

Nicolas Gut

COO - Partner & Founder

Philippe Augsburger

Philippe Augsburger

CIO - Partner & Director


Philippe Massard

Philippe Massard


Jean-Baptiste Hansenne

Jean-Baptiste Hansenne

Portfolio manager

Fernando Martins da Silva

Fernando Martins da Silva

Member of the Investment Committee


You wish to discover our services?
Contact us by phone or e-mail to arrange a meeting.

Elite Asset Management

Rue du Mont-Blanc 14
1201 Genève


+41 22 512 30 00